Testimony List Bridging Okinawa and the US Born in 1940 Jimmy Schwartz Postwar testimony Umbrella Shop Business that Started from Street Selling Born in 1929 Tokujiro Sugama Postwar testimony Involvement in Social Education Activities in Miyako after the War Born in 1942 Yukio Sunakawa Postwar testimony About Okinawan Theater in Shimakutuba Born in 1933 Takako Senaha Postwar testimony Food and Life in Koza after the War Born in 1944 Seiji Tokutomi Postwar testimony Life of the Yaeyama Settlers and Malaria Born in 1950 Kiyomasa Nakahara Postwar testimony From Youth Group Activities to the Publishing Industry Born in 1940 Junko Nakou Postwar testimony After the War: Living in Ishikawa Born in 1945 Souken Hirakawa Postwar testimony Page 2 of 3«123»